For Christians Only...

It's the Christmas season and everyone around me is caught in the hustle and bustle! Shopping, baking, cleaning, traveling, decorating, parties, go, go, go, buy, buy, buy, do, do, do...the list goes on and on. So the Holidays are exciting and fun and fast-paced!

If you're like me, many of those things bring you great joy. But sometimes, I feel like the Holiday season swings me around by the tail..."gotta be here, gotta hurry, running behind, Oops-I forgot____". So the Holidays are also about difficult relatives demanding more of us than we can give, crowded stores and spending more than we want or it's often about being frazzled and frustrated or even torn.

Through all of it, I manage to center myself (eventually) on the meaning of Christmas. I remember that Jesus was born on a cold night, so that He could grow up, show us how to live and love, and then die an excruciating death, after being mocked and scorned- all so our sins could be forgiven...all because without HIM we all fall short of being "good enough". And I am thankful. And grateful. And humbled. And broken. And, oh so unworthy. And I promise to try to do better at living a life that was worth the death He died. And again, I fall short.

If you are a Christian, just take a minute and thank Him again for all he's done for you.

(I'll wait.)

Ahhh, that's nice. Isn't it?

But that's not ALL that being a Christian is about.

Jesus commands us to GO and MAKE DISCIPLES. Not just sit around on our ever-widening bottoms, in our feel-good churches, like pew potatoes who punch their Sunday, Christmas, and Easter time cards, singing "Deck the Halls" and delighting in how great we have it and what good people we are.


Somehow, we've gotten the idea that "Thy Kingdom Come" is "My Kingdom Come" and that life on Earth is all about getting everything just like we like it...a better car, nicer house, bigger boat, name-brand purses, dinners out (my BIG downfall), and surrounding ourselves with all of our favorite Christian friends (another biggie for me)...but there is MORE! There's more to life than working longer hours to build more and buy more, building a big 401K, buying a boat, and then dying! There's more to life than struggling and striving.

I don't have it all figured out yet, but here's what I DO know:

Our hearts need to break for those who do not know Jesus. Think back to a few minutes ago...what would you do without Him? Where would you be? What would happen if you had to create ALL of your own blessings? What would you be if He didn't save you from yourself?

There are people all over the Ohio Valley who are trying their darnedest to make it through life without Jesus. They've either never heard about Jesus in a way that touches them right where they are OR they've been turned-down or turned-off by some stupid stunt pulled by a well-meaning Christian. And they are suffering.

Read that again. And again. Keep reading it until it doesn't make you angry, or defensive, or righteous and proud. Read THAT until it breaks you.

Think about your co-workers, your relatives, the weird kid with all the piercings who works at the gas station, your nephew, your uncle, your boss, your sister-in-law. What about them? Are they trying to get through life WITHOUT Jesus and without a Community of Faith that LOVES them? Do they understand how much Jesus loves them JUST THE WAY THEY ARE? If not, does it break your heart? It breaks mine.

That's why I'm doing ALL I CAN this year to support Revolution Church by giving, praying, and serving and you should too!

Revolution Church is being intentionally built so that people who don't "do" church will give God and Jesus and church a chance! Revolution accepts ALL people, especially those that have been condemned, mistreated, judged and marginalized by society as a whole. The Christian community over the years has excelled at some areas, but we at Revolution believe there is still room for improvement on what we believe can be a transformational movement between God and the people He is pursuing.

Let's MAKE A DIFFERENCE for Jesus in the Ohio Valley!

If you are a Christian, you need to do 3 things. (Not ONE of the THREE. ALL THREE!)

1. Give generously to REVOLUTION. Reaching the Ohio Valley for Jesus won't happen on pennies and chump change. Budget information has been finalized and will be posted on our site soon. If you want to know more, contact us and we will help you understand where the money goes. Here's a few tidbits:
  • At this stage, there are NO salaries or paid positions at REVOLUTION. All staff are REVOLUTION volunteers and support their families through employment elsewhere. There are no definitive plans to pay staff at this time, but we reserve the right to hire as needed.
  • 10% of all money we take in goes back into the community through our Community Outreach Partners. Your contribution will help support organizations who already work hard to make life better for Ohio Valley residents who are less fortunate.
  • You can't "outgive" God. He'll continue to bless you through your generosity and others will be blessed as well. His blessings are recession-proof!
  • You can visit our website to donate through PayPal or send a check to REVOLUTION Church, P.O. Box 644, St. Clairsville, OH 43950. If you'd rather get together in person, we can do that. Just email me at or call me at 740-695-4684.

2. Pray generously for REVOLUTION. Revolution is a huge movement of God. People's lives WILL be changed! The people of the Ohio Valley will experience honor and love in the name of Jesus like never before! That will surely be met with resistance. Pray for our protection and that doors will be opened to us throughout the Valley so that ALL people will be reached!

3. Serve generously at REVOLUTION. It's time to get involved! The team that will bring REVOLUTION to life is being formed now. Our first preview service is just 14 short weeks away. You can make a difference! All it takes is a willingness to be a small part of the bigger plan. You can help REVOLUTION by holding a door open for a First-Time Guest or helping on the parking team or setting up chairs, all so that others can hear about the redeeming love of Jesus.

You may be completely content in your church. We love that. If that's you, consider becoming a "Church Plant Missionary" and partnering with us for a few hours a week for Launch Team meetings and Monthly Preview Services until August of 2010. You can still attend your home church. Then help us launch regular weekly services in September through the Winter of 2010. When you return to your home church, know that YOU have made a difference in helping reach out to the Ohio Valley.

If you are feeling that God may be calling you to something different than your current church, that may be Revolution! Or maybe you don't currently have a home church. We'd love to talk with you about exploring the possibilities! You can learn more about us at Then drop me an email at and we'll get together.

Let's partner together and DO THIS THING! Merry Christmas!! And have a HAPPY and EXCITING NEW YEAR!!!


I'm so excited! The REVOLUTION team has committed to an exciting and fast-paced journey through the New Testament...all in 30 days...and we'd like YOU to JOIN US!

On January 9th, we will start the new year off right, as we begin to prioritize the Word of God in our lives in a new way! (The word "prioritize" comes from the word "prior", which means that it's something that COMES BEFORE everything else in your life.)

The journey will last for 5 weeks and there are 2 grace days each week, in case you need to rest or catch up! There are no meetings or get-togethers that you must attend to participate. Just partner with us to read along at whatever time or place is convenient for you.

Visit our website for more information. A Reading Plan and Study Guide will be posted there soon!

Let's take this journey together! I'm looking forward to being NewThru30!