Beer & a Bible

So, we've been telling you for months that REVOLUTION isn't your typical church. Honestly, we've been discussing for the past few months that "church" really isn't the best word for who we are. We used to be "The Revolution Project", but made the switch to "Revolution Church" when we formalized and became a legal entity. We have recently picked the old "Project" term up, instead of "church". We find that we're using it more and more. It just fits better. Who knows...maybe we'll become "The REVOLUTIONary Church Project". Anyway-that's a topic for a whole other day.

OK-back to not being the typical church...
Have you ever wanted to learn more about the bible or would like to begin to dive into it for the very first time?
Have you worried that you'll look stupid and that you won't know what it means?
Are you scared to go to a bible study for fear that you'll be the only one who can't find the book of Mark in your bible?
Are you afraid that if you learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and Christianity that you'll have to change, you won't have fun anymore, and Christians won't really even like you?

If so, it's tempting to just keep on living without an understanding of the bible. It's tempting to not dive in. It's just easier to go through life without it.

Well, we have the bible study for you.

Every Wednesday night, we meet at Gasber's Fine Day Restaurant in St. Clairsville (usually on the back deck) at 7PM for "Beer & a Bible". We hang out, kick back, drink a little beer, and talk about the bible. We dig into what it says, talk about what it means, learn about the culture of when it was written, and discuss how that relates to us today.

Even if you've never opened the bible or you don't own one, you'll feel comfortable. Feel free to listen, talk, or both. Ask questions. Disagree. Ponder and discuss. Nothing is off-limits.

You'll have fun. And I promise we'll like you. :-D