We just booked our hotel rooms for next weekend's getaway to "Backstage-Elevation" in Charlotte, NC!

The itinerary looks like this: 6 REVOLUTION Church Launch Team members will speed down to Charlotte on Saturday, attend the brand new Elevation Church Matthews campus 6PM service. Then, Sunday morning at 5:30 AM, we'll join the Elevation crew for set-up at Providence High School, stay for the service, then speed back to Ohio. We'll only be gone for about 36 hours, but we expect to learn A LOT!

Why Charlotte? Because Elevation Church is one of the fastest-growing churches in America. At less than 4 years old, their church attendance is over 5000 people. Pastor Steven Furtick and his staff are wild and crazy, and will do anything (short of sin) to see that people far from God are filled with life in Christ. We love that about them! We've been to Elevation twice in the last 6 months, and we LIKE what we see!

Why does this matter? Because in order to reach people around here who don't do church, we have to do things that aren't currently being done in churches around here.

We love learning from the best! That's why we do road that people will be connected, empowered, and transformed thru Jesus.

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